Wednesday, August 30, 2006

EL Training - Staff Development

8:30 - noon Dr. Teston provided the focus of today’s staff development: EL Design Principles Literacy Challenge…how to use the best elements of each for OUR STUDENT COMMUNITY Expeditions/Project Based Learning/SOLs should be integrated Results Now…Keep it Simple (KISS) Lori's Morning Example….Morning Meeting Greeting…. Name/position/amazing summer story Activity: Speed Greeting (compare to Speed Dating J) Need a dingbell or gong or cowbell. When its time to stop, I’ll wave my hands madly. Task, when you find your first partner, need to know names, their position, and share one amazing thing or fun story from summer. Two teams pair, partner shares other’s name/position/amazing/scar story Original team finds another team/shares either story/share a goal for this year Debriefing….fun, get to know each other, center of attention, not intimidating, sense of team, used familiar information so everyone was to be successful, make connections, stepping outside of your comfort zone, learning occurred in a social context. Must do morning meeting every morning for first 9 weeks. How will literacy program “look like” and what does it look like in your grade level teams this year. Summer teachers need to share within grade levels their experiences regardless of their success. SOLs and Projects must be integrated and embedded. If you are looking at them as two separate things, you aren’t looking at it wrong. The concern was when the “community day” was held in relationship to the SOL testing. (poor timing). Goal is to making our lives easier by integrating. Read “results Now” message is: KISS (Kiss It Simple Stupid). Use of a circle, playing cards Summer school staff acknowledged, morning meeting evolved from their suggestion, summer school staff asked to sit at individual tables to assist with conversations evolving from the summer school reports. EL Research Based Institution Reading with Meaning Strategies that Work Mosaic of Thought Power of Activity Small Group Using an expert Honored a variety of learning styles Synthesize Readers Workshop Hook….teacher…..models mini lesson 5 – 7 minutes P from Par (Preparation), Before (Anticipatory set…thank you, Mr. Huck!) NNPS….Time will vary depending on strategy, objective, content, students’ need. Done as whole group, using direct instruction. Practice….student (guided) A from Par (Assistance), During Sharing R from Par (Reflection), After Lori modeled the HOOK what the teacher would be doing/thinking/saying while reading an article about morning meetings. Guided practice using metacognition and text coding occurred. Articles used were; Morning Meeting: A Powerful Way to Begin the Day and Start the Day With Community Each person was to share a metacognition point How will the framework of responsive classroom morning meeting help support the building of culture and character with your students? Lori did a share out of how text coding was used. Criteria for a High Quality Morning Meeting After reading the recommendations, discussion ensued. Summarizing can occur either at beginning or end of day (teacher discretion). Setting the tone, culture of the classroom should occur daily. Time and structure may vary. However, each component of the structure has a definite purpose. Team planning for conducting Morning Meetings using all components took place. Staff who use MM consistently were asked to serve as ‘experts’. Break out session…each team was to find an area in the building and conduct/ a morning meeting. Group reconvened in library and shared. Strategies used in above activity Modeling Small Group Critiquing Synthesize Collaboration Keeper Activity What one idea can you walk away with and use? Closing….reading from Morning Meeting book Special Ed meeting – 8/30/06 IEP meetings need to be initiated within the first 3 months of school. Some of the discussion was focused on what General Ed meetings that attend IEP meetings. Discussed grade level team meetings put in place this year to help with strategies to help children before being referred to child study. Another discussion was that several children were referred for retention and evaluation from Briarfield at the end of last year that will need to be addressed next month. Eligibility meetings questions need to go to Marian Harper. Assessment, child studies, and questions need to go to Social Worker and Psychologist. Form was requested from teachers for pre-trianual meeting to keep referrals in order. Trianual schedule should be reviewed by SW and Psy so they can put in notes. IEP peer reviews are recommended (for typos and age-appropriateness, categories, dates) before sitting with parent because any changes need another formal meeting and then an addendum. Goals should be sent home before IEP meeting and a parent should sign it or be asked for their comments. IEPs should be created 10 days before IEP meetings. Resource and LD/ED teachers – 8-30-06 Class card – clarify your class list and which homerooms they’re in (generated by Cece) initiate conversation with regular ed and ask if they reviewed their records. Did you receive anyone with a Level 1 or 2? Also make ranking orders for Title I. The buzz word this year is “to integrate and collaborate” which means co-teaching models. What is co-teaching? Guest speaker – Intermingled in everything. Homo and heterogeneous grouping. Spent time with guidance in small groups. One teacher taught more writing, and the other was teaching math. One was on the outside encouraging, keeping the students on task. Trouble was finding the time to plan because most of the time was spent on talking about specific children. Must have similar behavior management styles and teaching philosophies. From Day 1, told parents that second teacher was a support teacher. Both teachers took ownership of all children. Disagreements should be away from kids but be supportive when children are around. Collaborated with report cards and would have liked to have only split up this task. Parent conferences were done together. Not saying jump into it this year, but try it on one or two classes. Moving away from special ed as a special entity. Push children to be in general ed so they can be more proficient in SOL Paperwork requirements – what are they? Get a mental picture of what you need. Do not pretend if you are unclear. Speech therapist has cheat sheet. Materials – do you have everything you need? VGLA results – excellent job with reading. Accumulation of artifacts.

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